Last Updated on April 18, 2023 by Anthony
Marketing is at the core of every successful business. And these days, most marketing is done digitally. Our company exists to provide a number of content creation services designed to fuel our clients digital marketing efforts. Newsletter writing is among them. Before you dismiss newsletter marketing, have you ever given it a serious try?
We are not talking printed newsletters sent through the post. Rather, modern newsletters are digital documents sent via email. They cost very little to produce and send. But when done correctly, they can go a long way toward increasing brand loyalty, driving website traffic, and even increasing sales.
The key to successful newsletter marketing is quality newsletter writing. And quality writing boils down to:
- knowing what to write
- knowing how to write it
- knowing who to send it to
- knowing when to send it.
We can’t help with the last two items on the list. However, we are experts in knowing what to write and how to write it. Our newsletter writing services are designed to produce hard-hitting newsletters that communicate to your customers in ways that no other form of content can.
It Starts With Email
Email provides the engine on which digital newsletters run. The fact that you have read this far means you haven’t totally dismissed the idea of newsletter marketing, so don’t dismiss it now because it’s based on email. Email is alive and well across the world. It is still a viable avenue for marketing.
Recent data shows that there are billions of regular email users worldwide. One estimate suggests the number will approach 4.7 billion just a few short years from now. Given the sheer volume of email users on planet Earth, it is a safe bet that you and all your customers use it.
But wait. Your big concern is spam. You know how much it annoys you. You know how quick you are to send email you’re not interested in to either the junk folder or the recycling folder. You are concerned people will do the same with your newsletters. They might, unless you employ a particular strategy for building your newsletter list.
The Voluntary Opt-In Strategy
The best way to ensure that your digital newsletters do not end up as spam or recycling folder is to create your member list through a voluntary opt-in strategy. You place a small digital form on your site with an invitation to sign up for the newsletter. Visitors complete the form and click the ‘submit’ button. Their email addresses are automatically added to your list.
People who voluntarily sign up for a newsletter are more likely to actually read it. They are less likely to mark it as spam or simply discard it. Remember that a voluntary choice to opt-in is essentially a statement that a visitor wants to learn more about your company.
Producing Winning Newsletter Content
Getting a bunch of website visitors to sign up for a digital newsletter is just the starting point. Now you need to produce content that interests them. This is where the marketing rubber meets the road, so to speak. Without content visitors are interested in, there is no reason for them to read your newsletter.
Newsletter content should have a purpose. You might want to inform readers about an internal promotion or company expansion. You might want to introduce a new product or service. Maybe one of your newsletters will offer a how-to guide pertaining to something your company does or sells.
The key is to make the information useful. It should also be relevant. For example, a how-to guide written for a technology no one uses amounts to wasted digital space. On the other hand, a how-to guide on the latest piece of tech that people cannot seem to get enough of will interest your readers.
Additional Tips for Winning Newsletters
We want you to consider taking advantage of our newsletter writing services. With that in mind, we can’t give away the entire store here. But we can share with you some general tips for creating and sending winning newsletters. Here they are:
1. Keep Content Brief
Email is alive and well, but people still aren’t interested in reading novels in their inboxes. Email is designed to be short and sweet by nature. This suggests that you keep newsletter content brief. Each item should be no more than a paragraph or so long. If content is any longer, put a summary in the newsletter along with a link to the content published on your website.
Also, keep the number of items in your newsletter two five or fewer. Again, you don’t want to overwhelm reader inboxes with long newsletters that are going to take too much time to read. A newsletter that is consistently too long will lead to a loss of subscribers.
2. Make Content Targeted
Your company caters to a targeted audience. But if your business is like most others, there are smaller segments within your larger audience that can be targeted with newsletter content. Take advantage of those opportunities. Produce content targeting different segments on a rotating basis. Combine it with more general content aimed at all your readers.
3. Send on a Regular Schedule
Newsletter readers expect to get emails from you on a regular basis. Do not let them down. Establish a schedule and then stick to it. If you choose to send weekly, pick a day and time and make sure you send each newsletter out accordingly. You could also choose monthly, bi-monthly, or whatever suits your customers.
Digital newsletters connect with customers on a more personal level. They are a way to communicate information to readers without having to employ hard-sell tactics. We can tell you from personal experience that they work. With that in mind, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our newsletter writing services. We can help you make the most of your digital newsletter marketing efforts.